Jamie’s Success Story – Graphic Design and Digital Marketing Certificates

Jamie Success Story - Upskill Your Resume at Digital Workshop Center

Jamie and Mason

When Jamie moved to Colorado and landed a job as the Marketing Manager of the Rio Grande Restaurants, she quickly realized she needed to add a few skills to her resume to successfully manage traditional and digital marketing of the Rio Grande brand.

As their marketing manager, she is responsible for social media, website content, menu designs, and all other avenues of marketing. Her fundamental training in graphic design, SEO for business, and social media management from the Digital Workshop Center were key in giving her the tools needed for her day-to-day work. She mentioned, “Social media wasn’t around when I was in college, I didn’t learn these things.” Many people find themselves in a similar situation, needing to learn new skills to match the digital marketing channels common today.

Jamie found the classes at the Digital Workshop Center to be beneficial in her new role. “I now better understand the landscape. Thanks to what I learned, I am able to communicate with freelancers and hold my partners accountable. The teachers were a great resource and I found all the material very helpful.”

She found the teachers to be lively and fun. “I loved the teachers at the Digital Workshop Center! They were all great at making it fun and I never had a boring moment.” She went on to say, “They did a good job of relating the content to real world examples. Most of the teachers also work in the field and have agency and freelance experience, so they could speak from a variety of perspectives.”

Digital Marketing - Digital Workshop CenterThe skills she learned at the Digital Workshop Center gave Jamie the ability to acclimate successfully to her new role. She is able to manage the restaurants websites, social channels, and the creatives on her team. The Rio Grande is one of the most popular Northern Colorado Mexican restaurants, thanks, in part, to Jamie’s marketing expertise.

Upskill Your Resume - Digital Workshop Center

If you find yourself needing additional skills in the era of digital marketing or want to change career paths, consider the Digital Workshop Center. Our classes and certificate programs are designed to give you high-level training in an accelerated format. With a maximum of 16 students per class, our expert instructors are able to ensure that each student receives individualized attention, coaching and ongoing support.

Each class or program is designed to help you advance in your current career or get started in a new one. Check out our classes and schedule or call us at (970) 980-8091 to speak with an administrator now!