Technical Support

Get your questions answered by our expert staff

With the purchase of any class, students receive one month (30 calendar days) of technical support from the last day of the class.

Please note that technical support questions may not be answered or rejected if they do not meet the required conditions.

What IS technical support at DWC

  • To help you work through problems or issues related to material covered in your class
  • To help you answer questions pertaining to homework or assignments provided during your class
  • Answered in order of the requests received & typically provided within one business day of your request.  However, some support questions may take longer.

What IS NOT technical support at DWC

  • We will not help you work on your specific projects or non-class assignments.  If you need specific help with a project, you need to set up a consulting appointment with one of our expert instructors.
  • We will not assist you working on additional topics not covered in your class

To submit your tech support question

  1. Email or post a question to our Slack channel
  2. Include your question(s) and any relevant attachments
  3. We will connect you with your instructor do our best to respond to you within 2 business days