5 In-Demand Skills for the Next Five Years

Preparing for the future workplace is no easy task. Pandemic and remote work aside, the workplace is continually changing and becoming near impossible to predict. According to the World Economic Forum Report on The Future of Jobs (2020), technology adoption is essential across industries, automation will increase the usage of contract workers for specialized work, digitized work processes and remote work will expand, and reskilling and upskilling require greater support as inequality will be exacerbated by technological advances and the pandemic recession. 

Over the next five (5) years digital fluency, creativity, analytical and critical thinking, agility, communication, and emotional intelligence will be highly regarded in the workforce.

In-Demand Job Skills

Here’s why these skills are in-demand. 

1. Digital Fluency

Digital fluency has become increasingly important as digital transformations such as artificial intelligence, automation, digitalization, and machine learning are on the rise. Having the ability to intuitively, accurately, and precisely leverage technology to execute complex instructions and transfer knowledge to other systems is an irreplaceable skill. Digital fluency also affords you the opportunity to be involved in decision-making when identifying the appropriate tools and implementing them in the right context. 


  • Improves performance & productivity
  • Increases general knowledge & skill levels
  • Boosts job satisfaction and engagement

This skill is useful for programs such as Google Analytics and Microsoft Excel.

2. Creativity

Creativity drives innovation and future-proofs your skills. As new technologies are introduced and existing ones advance, creativity offers new approaches to problem-solving. Creativity is a transferable skill that emphasizes customer and client-centric development. When developing applications, sharing knowledge, and designing products, creativity is a focal point for discovery and exploring solutions. 


  • Keeps you motivated 
  • Challenges your assumptions 
  • Encourages taking calculated risks

This skill is useful for Graphic Design and Web Development.

In Demand Skills for Designers

3. Negotiation

Negotiation skills prepare you to position a specific offering that produces the greatest outcomes for stakeholders. This skill involves transparent communication, planning, strategizing, persuasion, emotional intelligence, and emphasizing value for effectiveness. Negotiation like creativity is a transferable skill that can be used in various situations such as accepting a job offer, justifying a promotion, requesting a budget increase, or making a significant purchase. 


  • Avoid unnecessary conflict
  • Develop good working relationships
  • Achieve intentional results

This skill is useful for Contract Management, Sales, and Digital Marketing.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence helps you avoid impulse reactions instead identifying and managing your emotions and comprehending emotional messaging from others. The prioritization of mental health by younger Millennials and Gen Zers, signifies the need for emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Four (4) Domains of Emotional Intelligence

Self – Awareness

Self confidence
Self Assessment

Social Awareness

Service orientation


Self – Management


Relationship Management

Cultivating others
Conflict management

The four (4) domains of emotional intelligence consist of self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management. Developing this skill requires active listening, responding rather than reacting to conflict, learning to take criticism well, empathizing with others, and being approachable for success. 


  • Understand how to interact with peers
  • Open to making adjustments easily
  • Motivate and lead others 

This skill is useful for Writers, Teachers, and Project Managers.

5. Good Communication

Good communication is a fundamental skill and at the core of digital fluency, creativity, analytical thinking, negotiation, agility, and emotional intelligence. As remote working is here to stay, good communication is necessary to sustain and grow organizations. Learning how to communicate well creates a nurturing work environment and inspires positive feelings. 


  • Provides clarify and definitive direction
  • Builds trust to strengthen teams
  • Creates better customer and client relationships

This skill is useful for Web Designers, Course Developers, and Business Administrators.

Communication Skills for In Demand Jobs

Enhancing your existing skills is a must for lasting success in the workplace. To learn more about skills development with courses at the Digital Workshop Center, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor.

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