Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation services

Digital Workshop Center (DWC) is excited to be an official partner and vendor for Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation services.  We have been providing expert occupational training for Vocational Rehabilitation clients for over 7 years.  This new partnership with Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation means that we can create individual training plans towards employment for the people of Minnesota, help case managers with career counseling, and so much more.

What is available through Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation services?

Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation offers a wide range of services for eligible participants including career guidance, counseling, training, and job skills.  If you have a disability and are looking to get back to work in Minnesota, we encourage you to connect with the wonderful staff at Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation to find out what might be available for you.  If eligible, Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation states “financial assistance from us can include tuition, fees, books, supplies, tools and equipment for training. However, if you choose a private school or a school that is out of state, we pay no more than the cost to attend a Minnesota state college.”

However, different from some other states, Minnesota’s Vocational Rehabilitation does provide guidance that each participant may be expected to pay some of the training fees out of pocket.  Visit their training website here to learn more about how they calculate what training costs may or may not be covered.

Vocational Rehab Training Provider

Available Training Programs in Minnesota

DWC offers flexible, online training classes designed to help you reach your career goals.  In many cases, our students are lacking the basic digital literacy to be able to get started with more in-depth vocational training.

We offer several introductory computer classes and full length programs.  One of the most popular basic digital literacy programs is called the Blueprint program, which includes 44 hours of private, one-on-one training covering topics such as introduction to computers, file management, Microsoft Office basics, and Google Apps.  This program is 100% one-on-one and each instructor is in the role of a mentor to the individual students.  Instructors will meet the students where they are at in terms of their individual pace of learning, skill set, and potential disability needs.

Training plans for employment can be designed for each individual student.  Typically, we have a prospective student meet with a student advisor for a “situational assessment”.  This assessment helps to determine the student’s needs, goals, and skill level with technology.  DWC provides each counselor with a detailed assessment report, outlining our recommendations for classes, equipment and more.  If you are a prospective student or counselor interested in getting started, talk to a student advisor to learn how to get started here.


DWC’s mission is to help you get the skills to get ahead in your career path.  When attending vocational training, both DWC and Vocational Rehabilitation expect you to fully participate and attend all scheduled classes.  Our classes are live, online classes offered in a short course format.  Attendance here is vital for you to stay on pace with the class, get your assignments done, and build your portfolio.

Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Guide

If you would like to download our step-by-step guide on best practices for getting started with training through Vocational Rehabilitation, click here to get started.  Or contact us to talk more about how we can help craft your individual training plan for employment and get you on a new career path today.

Expectations for MN Voc Rehab

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