6 Tips For A Successful Micro-Internship

Micro Internships are a low-risk approach to attracting college students and graduates for employers. Interns are afforded the chance to develop their skills, explore an industry, and build their resume. Micro Internships are important to employees and employers because they provide access to a larger network, engagement opportunities, and can lead to long-term hiring solutions. It’s important for students to have successful micro internships because these opportunities may lead to full-time job experiences. 

Let’s explore six (6) tips for a successful Micro Internship.

Tip #1:  Perform Well

Performance is everything with a Micro Internship. This internship is a great way to demonstrate your skills and develop a professional reputation within an industry. Do well and it could lead to a full-time position and furthering your expertise in an industry.

In Action:

  • Maintain a client-centered approach
  • Focus on producing the best outcome
  • Use repeatable processes and methodologies
Micro Internship Performance

Tip #2:  Seek Help

There’s no need to work in a bubble on a Micro Internship. Knowing when to seek help and how is essential to your project’s success. Always do research on the organization and its initiatives to inform your work. Don’t hesitate to speak with your peers, senior employees, and your Micro Internship sponsor when applicable.

In Action:

  • Create a list of things you tried and potential solutions
  • Be selective in who you ask, how, and when
  • Be specific in your questions or request

Tip #3: Obtain Project Details

Projects should have clear, concise, and complete business and in some cases technical requirements. For instance, if you’re working on a social media project, a client may have guidelines for how to source, design, and write content. If a social media guide doesn’t exist, you’ll have to obtain additional information through interviews or emails.

In Action:

  • Interview relevant stakeholders before project initiation
  • Clarify the project deliverable(s) prior to project commencement
  • Explore formatting guidelines for deliverable
Tips for Micro Internships

Tip #4: Manage Expectations

Simply put, don’t over promise and under deliver. Setting realistic goals for the employer and yourself improves project outcomes. Always ask about formatting and design guidelines to alleviate having to reproduce work. If delays are expected, inform your supervising stakeholder as soon as possible. This allows them time to adjust workloads and deadlines.

In Action:

  • Inquire about a specific deadline and create a schedule that aligns
  • Create a risk management plan with mitigations 
  • Obtain quality criteria for the final deliverable

Tip #5:  Review Your Work

Check, recheck, & check again. Then have somebody independently review your deliverable. Make sure your tone and formatting are aligned to the company’s guidelines. Make sure calculations are accurate and edits have been incorporated throughout any texts. If possible use editing software for text heavy projects where grammatical, spelling, and mechanical errors may be common.

In Action:

  • Use software such as Grammarly for easy editing
  • Create a deliverable checklist
  • Identify a senior stakeholder or trusted advisor as a reviewer before submission
Micro Internship Benefits

Tip #6:  Build Rapport

While your time may be short with the organization, it could lead to a permanent position. Building rapport establishes trust, improves business performance, and helps develop your professional network. Having a keen sense of emotional intelligence goes a long way in interacting and reacting to your peers and senior leaders.

In Action:

  • Practice actively listening
  • Pay attention to your body language 
  • Be empathetic

A successful Micro Internship requires a good faith effort equally from the intern and organization. Since Micro Internships deliver immediate relief for recruitment efforts for employers, it’s important to be successful when selected. To learn more about Micro-Internships or how to build your skills to better qualify for one, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor today.

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