Exploring the Benefits of Micro Internships

What are Micro-Internships?

Micro-Internships are a great way to build your professional portfolio while getting paid. These short-term project-based assignments are designed to provide you with valuable work experience, cultivate your skills, and advance your network. Programs like Seattle’s Opportunity Promise allows various industries to delve into Micro-Internships to recruit a diverse pool of candidates with an array of skills. According to Forbes.com Micro-Internships “democratize the college-to-career transition” and help close the access gap traditional internships create by selecting only a few candidates.

Benefits of Micro Internships
Website Updates Social Media Competitive Review Candidate Sourcing
Data Clean-Up Social Media Content Calendar & Content Creation Competitor Prospecting

Let’s look at some of the benefits for Micro-Internships!

Company Benefits from Micro Internships

Reduce Human Resources Costs

For small and medium sized companies Micro-Internships can save you money. When you have a limited hiring budget or want to maintain low overhead costs this role can be the answer to completing small or quick projects. If your Micro-Intern performs well, this could lead to a long-term solution for your company and improve retention rates.

Reduce Administrative Burden

Micro-Internships can help reduce your administrative burden by establishing workflows, developing policies, creating marketing campaigns, and implementing automated processes. These small projects can be set up by this role and managed internally. Micro-Internships can perform quick projects such as website updates, curating content, and graphic design work.

Improve Growth & Scaling

If you have been struggling with growth and scaling, it’s time to think about a Micro-Internship. Projects you’ve been struggling with can be transferred and transformed with minimal or no training required. Micro-Internships let you focus on acquiring new clients and cultivating relationships with existing ones to further your growth and scalability.

Student / Graduate Benefits of Micro Internships

Boost Your Confidence

Applying for jobs can be daunting and downright distressing. You may check all the boxes or at least 75% of them in a posting, but still there’s that hesitation to apply. Micro-Internships can give you an added boost to your confidence by employing the knowledge, skills, and abilities you learned executing projects during your term.

Professional Insight

Understanding the intricacies of an industry or profession can help you determine if a particular field or career choice is right for you. Through a Micro-Internship you can observe work cultures, acquire relevant knowledge, and perform the work for a specific profession.

Portfolio or Resume Building

Micro-Internships offer substantial experience that can be highlighted within a portfolio or on a resume. Assigned projects solve the “no experience” issue new entrants to the workplace often encounter.
Micro Internships Benefits Students
Micro-Internships are beneficial for companies and Interns alike. Companies and Interns get to develop meaningful relationships and work toward long-term hiring and career paths respectively. Digital Workshop Center delivers certificate programs such as Business Administration, Graphic Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Project Management, and more that could help land your next Micro-Internship. To learn more about Micro-Internships or one of our certification programs, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor today.

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