Web Development: A Quick & Simple Introduction

Sep 27, 2023 | Frontend Web Development Certificate

When the world wide web went public in 1993, there needed to be a way for websites to communicate with each other over the interwebs. Along came people such as Tim Berners-Lee (who created HTML and launched the world wide web) and web developers began to write code using HTML. As the internet became more and more popular, the landscape of the world wide web changed once more, paving the way for what we now know as the field of web development.

What is Web Development?

Web Development is a field that is involved in the work of building, developing, and managing websites on the internet. Those websites can range from “a single, static web page to complex applications for e-commerce and social networking,” as noted by DeVry University. Depending on the specific job title, a web developer can find opportunities in a range of specializations in areas such as Front End, Back End, and Full Stack development.

  • Front End Developers work on the “front end” of websites. That is, anything that a consumer sees on a website such as text, images, and buttons are developed and managed by a Front End developer. Being proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is important to front end coding languages.
  • Back End Developers work on the “back end” of websites. A website needs to be able to communicate with servers and these developers build the mechanics a site uses to process information and will determine the best way for the site to collect, store, and manage user data. Being proficient in Ruby, PHP, and Python is important to back end coding languages.
  • Full Stack Developers have successfully built websites with proficiency in both front end and back end web development.

Web Development vs. Web Design

It is important to note that web development skills are in the non-design aspects of building websites, like in writing code and building the structure that the website takes form of. Web designers and User Experience (UX) Designers are more likely to be involved in the user experience side of things like page styles, colors, images, font, and other design details.

5 Essential Skills of a Beginner Web Developer

Web development skills are quickly becoming a requirement for jobs across industries but specifically in marketing, tech, and business. Depending on the job, the specific skills required can vary; those who have the essential skills outlined below are better equipped to find opportunities that match their resume. For those who are beginners in the world of web development, it is important to foster the following skills to show to future employers you have the foundational skills and knowledge to perform well at the required tasks of the job.

Proficiency in HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

The most used makeup language in web development, HTML and CSS languages are used to create and style web pages. HTML is used to create the web page and lay the foundation for the site whereas CSS style the website (fonts, colors, layout). Alongside having proficiency in using the basics of HTML and CSS to create and style web pages, web developers need to understand JavaScript, a programming language that implements complex features such as moving elements, search bars, videos, and other interactive elements to a web page. These three skills are at the core of web development.

Analytical Skills

Being skilled in analyzing data and web traffic is important as a web developer. When building a website, clientele need to be kept in mind and what they would need to or want to see on the website. Understanding the needs of the customer will in turn better understand what needs to be implemented into a website. Analytical skills are also important to be able to ensure no coding is faulty and that any websites built are functional.

Python Basics

Python, simply put, is a computer programming language. It is a general-purpose language so it is used to create a variety  of programs and doesn’t have any specializations for specific problems. Python has simple syntax, is versatile, beginner friendly, and open-sourced, making it one of the most-used programming languages. Being able to do simple python programming is essential for any web developer.

Testing & Debugging Skills

Alongside being proficient in analyzing data and web traffic, being proficient in testing and debugging web pages is equally essential for the toolbox of a good web developer. They need to be able to debug any errors that might happen when a web page is regularly tested for functionality. Testing, whether functional or unit, makes sure the code is doing what the code should be doing. Being consistent with testing and debugging are valuable skills in a web developer.

Understanding of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of improving a web page’s visibility in search engines like Google. When someone searches for a product, service, or information and your business/company offers what they are looking for, you want your web page to be one of the first that pops up for your clientele. SEO is the process in which to make that happen. Good web developers have a keen eye for elevating their web pages to increase visibility and web traffic. As a beginner in web development, these skills are essential for landing entry-level jobs. As with most things in life, the more you work to become skilled at something, the more opportunities arise from that skill. Those who take the time to continue to improve their coding practices and Python proficiency are bound to find success in the world of web development.

web development
Web Development

Careers and Opportunities in Web Development

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers in web development are projected to grow by 16%, much faster than the 3% national average of all occupations. Over the next decade, about 19,000 web development jobs are expected to be available every year. Depending on experience and work style, those who have web development skills have the option to choose between a more stable, salaried job with a company/business or enjoy autonomy through working as an independent contractor. Those who are just starting out are encouraged to find established opportunities with a company/business so that they can work closely with others with web development skills, learning from their best practices and having the room to grow into higher roles. Those with a bit more experience and expertise might enjoy the challenge of freelancing their skills to those who need short-term web development projects completed. No matter the route taken, opportunities in web development are plentiful and in wide variety. Various job titles that are related to the field include web developer (of course), computer programmer, information technology specialist, and front end/back end developer. You can explore more job titles here: Everything You Need to Know About A Career in Web Development & 10 Web Development Careers to Consider.

Learn Frontend Web Development Through DWC

Those interested in a career in web development or a job that might require web development skills can learn frontend web development through our certified bootcamp. Our Frontend Web Development Bootcamp includes an orientation to web development languages such as HTM, CSS, and JavaScript. The core classes cover the core languages of the world wide web as well as related frameworks such as AngularJS and Bootstrap. In other classes, students learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to create web page mock ups and convert code easily; students also take digital marketing classes on Google Analytics and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to establish a well-rounded foundation of knowledge in designing effective web sites from the ground up. Students who successfully complete the bootcamp will walk away with an understanding of the core languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) of the web and of advanced scripting languages with JavaScript and React. They will be proficient in examining web tools to improve workflow and efficiency, designing web sites with SEO best practices, monitoring web traffic closely with Google Analytics , and using Photoshop to wire-frame designs.

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