Is VET TEC Right For You?

The Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC) program matches participants with leading training providers to help develop high-tech skills and secure employment post military service. Piloted in 2019 and authorized for five (5) years, the program aims to provide Veterans an alternative to utilizing GI Bill benefits to find a flexible, in-demand, well-paying career. In 2020, the program was expanded to include service members who are close to separation, make it easier to find expert instructors, and increase funding from $15 million to $45 million per year. While VET TEC does not utilize any GI Bill entitlement, full-time attendance is required, and designed for vocational programs that lead to employment upon completion.

Am I Eligible?

If all of the following are true, you eligible to participate:

  • You aren’t on active duty or are within 180 days of separating from active duty
  • You qualify for VA education assistance under the GI Bill
  • You have at least one day of unexpired GI Bill entitlement
  • You’re accepted into a program by a VA-approved training provider
VET TEC eligible programs

VET TEC vs. GI Bill

Tuition & Fees, Housing Tuition & Fees, Housing, Books, & Supplies
Full-time Full-time or Part-time
Pay for performance model

> 25% at enrollment & attendance

> 25% upon completion

> 50% upon employment

Benefit level payment based on length of service
No transfer of entitlement Transfer of entitlement eligible

Types of Training Covered

  1. Computer Software
  2. Computer Programming
  3. Data Processing
  4. Information Science
  5. Media Applications

VET TEC Benefits

  • Money for housing during training
  • Tuition for a full-time high-tech training program
  • Focus on technology vocational training 
  • Not charged directly
Benefits of VET TEC

Eligible VET TEC Programs at DWC

Program Number of Hours
Advanced Graphic Design 95
Data Science 96
Frontend Web Development 114
UX Design 123
Video Design 137

Advanced Graphic Design

With an Advanced Graphic Design certificate students learn Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Visual Design to deliver comprehensive concepts and communicate through a variety of print and electronic media. 

Potential Careers:

  • Marketing Specialist
  • Creative Director
  • Product Developer

Data Science

The Data Science certificate teaches Python software and Data Science concepts to work with big data, visualizing, and modeling to provide organizations with data-driven results to make informed business decisions. 

Potential Careers:

  • Data Architect
  • Data Engineer
  • Information Officer
Tech Careers for Veterans

Frontend Web Development

The Front End Web Development certificate features lessons on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and essential web design to build high performing, compelling websites from scratch.

Potential Careers:

  • Front End Web Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • JavaScript Developer

UX Design

An all encompassing certificate, UX Design helps participants identify requirements, understand company goals, products, services, and users to integrate varying perspectives to execute design initiatives. 

Potential Careers:

  • UX Designer
  • UX Product Designer
  • Experience Officer

Video Design

Employing Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Photoshop, the Video Design certificate gives a foundation in the most cutting edge video development and editing software for websites, social media and more.

Potential Careers:

  • Instructional Designer
  • Videographer
  • 3D Animator
To learn more about these programs and enrollment in the VET TEC program, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor and discover how the Digital Workshop Center can help you strengthen your skills.

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