Digital Marketing Trends of 2024

Jan 24, 2024 | Digital Marketing Certificate, Tech Research & Case Studies, Tech Trends

Whether a seasoned digital marketer looking to sharpen skills or a newcomer eager to dive into the world of online content, our blog space is designed to be your go-to resource for the latest trends and industry insights. Throughout this post, we explore the latest research and trends shaping digital marketing in 2024 and hope you can discover the strategies that will redefine your marketing success.

As we progress into 2024, the digital marketing landscape is undergoing remarkable transformations, presenting both challenges and opportunities. From advancements in technology to shifts in consumer behavior, the dynamics of the digital sphere are in constant flux. As businesses strive to connect with their audiences in meaningful ways, understanding and harnessing latest digital marketing trends is paramount. Staying ahead of the curve is not just a choice but a necessity. In this blog post, we delve into the key digital marketing trends that are set to shape strategies, redefine engagement, and influence the success of online campaigns in the next coming months. Whether you’re here to refine your expertise or embark on a learning journey, explore with us the trends that will drive digital marketing conversations across industries this year.
Hootsuite, Hubspot, and other leaders in digital marketing are all recognizing similar trends as the forefront of this year’s upcoming digital landscape and consumer behaviors are leading how digital marketers are creating and delivering content. While there has been a massive increase in AI technology implementation in the tools used to digitally create and share marketing content, a recent Hootsuite survey points out that 62% of consumers are hesitant to engage with content if they know an Ai application played a part in creating it. Digital marketing specialists could be spending quite some time this year ethically optimizing strategies for consumer engagement. Beyond the AI revolution, trends suggest that there will be a deeper engagement with interactive content, voice searches will become more commonplace, and short-form video content and influencer marketing remain as dominating marketing strategies. Below offers a comprehensive guide to what the marketing leaders are researching to be the top digital marketing trends of 2024:

The Evolution of AI in Digital Marketing Trends

“AI is inevitable on social, and scaling back on its use now would be like reverting from computers to typewriters. To thrive in this new environment, marketers and brands need to move beyond defining “real” and “authentic” based on whether something was created exclusively by a human…the most successful brands will redefine “authenticity.” It’s not about who (or what) creates your content anymore; it’s about the brand experience your content creates for the customer.Hootsuite’s Report: Social Media Trends 2024

AI technology has become an integral part of creating digital content and the tools that digital marketing specialists use on a daily basis have been optimized with AI applications. Adobe’s newest Creative Cloud features suggest that AI has found a secure place in the digital landscape of creating for business and personal reasons, and recent research shows that there will be a 318% increase in how much organizations plan to use AI for customer support and 260% increase in how much organizations plan to use it for editing images in 2024. The evolution of AI in digital marketing trends show that it is not a matter of choice when using AI in digital creation but rather a matter of working smarter with the technology. Knowing your target audience’s perception on AI can provide a deeper understanding of what tasks to keep on your plate as a digital marketer and which can be delegated to an AI application. Creating AI policies and best practices for social media can be helpful in avoiding potential unhappy consumers or posting content that include misinformation.

Deeper Engagement with Interactive Content Strategies

Interactive content enables consumers to engage with the content that is being presented to them. Some examples of interactive content include quizzes, polls, animations, videos, and surveys integrated in social media posts like Instagram stories, Facebook posts, and TikTok videos. Keeping your audience engaged is one of the biggest battles in the current digital landscape that relies heavily on information being presented concisely and quickly. Interactive content is a great strategy in getting your audience to pause and engage with your brand and what you are trying to promote. Noted by Syed Balkhi, founder of WPBeginner, in 7 Reasons Interactive Content is the Future of Content Marketing, “unlike traditional forms of content, such as text or images, interactive content requires users to take some kind of action in order to receive information. This action could be something as simple as clicking on a link or moving a mouse over an image. While this may seem like a small difference, it can have a big impact on the way users interact with and interpret online content.”

Digital Marketing Interactive Content
Digital Marketing Voice Trends

Optimizing Strategies for Voice Searches

Recent research from Hubspot suggests that voice searches could become more of a marketing priority over the course of 2024 with 41% of marketing planning to increase investments in voice search optimization. Voice Searches have become popular due to its easy accessibility and convenience; voice assistant programs like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are changing how people search for what they want. This means that the way information is presented to those who voice search are going to vary due to the difference in questions asked. Instead of searching for “Mexican near me” in a quick google search, someone might voice search for “authentic mexican that is family-owned near me.” The way businesses present themselves through digital content will shift with the increase of voice searches. This optimization strategy is relatively easy to implement by framing content around common questions that people might voice search for. Director of Global Growth at Hubspot, Aja Frost, says it is key for businesses to look at a topic and ask themselves, “What questions could users ask about this? Then, they should plan sub-topics accordingly and look for opportunities to insert questions as headers.” Read more here: Search Engine Optimization Marketing Trends.

Short-form Video Content Continues to Dominate

Digital marketing trends of the last few years have had short-form videos as a dominating strategy. Social platforms like TikTok have taken the content game to the next level and according to Hubspot’s latest research, 53% of digital marketing specialists plan to invest in short-form video content in 2024. In their research, they point to CMO and Co-Founder of NP Digital, Neil Patel’s understanding of short-form video: “video creates a deeper connection with your potential customer base, and it is easy for brands to repurpose video content into podcasts and text-based content.” The point of short-form videos is to get to the point quickly. This main purpose makes them a bit more effective than long-form videos because of the fast-paced attention spans of many different audiences. According to Hubspot’s September 2023 Marketing Trends Report, short-form video content offers the highest ROI at 31% with images behind at 22%. This is a crucial form of content marketing to be integrating into all types of business marketing plans. Consumers want to gain the information they need almost immediately, and short-form videos help digital marketers create content that does just that. Giving exactly what your audience wants is a big way to build trust!

Influencer Marketing Remains Crucial

Digital influencers and content creators are everywhere in the digital world and there are no plans for influencer marketing to slow down in 2024. When done right, collaborating with the right influencers can have a massive impact on brand awareness and increase an audience base. For many businesses, getting a famous influencer could break the bank, but micro-influencers who have 10,000 to 100,000 followers can be a more affordable option that might actually offer better results. Working with smaller influencers can also be easier to establish long-term partnerships and gain insight into how to gain the attention of tight-knit, engaged, and loyal communities.

Digital Marketing Video Trends
In conclusion, the evolution of AI has reshaped digital marketing trends, emphasizing a shift from creator-centric authenticity to delivering compelling brand experiences. AI applications, exemplified by Adobe’s Creative Cloud features, are integral in content creation. Interactive content strategies, optimized voice searches, and the dominance of short-form videos underscore the need for agile adaptation. Meanwhile, influencer marketing remains pivotal, with micro-influencers providing a cost-effective avenue for building brand awareness. Navigating these trends is essential for marketers seeking to engage diverse audiences in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. It’s evident that digital marketing strategies and tools are evolving at paces like never before. In a landscape inundated with innovations and trends, it’s crucial to recognize that the heart of successful digital marketing lies in the genuine connection between brands and their audience. Consumers are not just looking for products or services; they also are seeking meaningful connections with brands that resonate with their values.

Earning an online digital marketing certification from Digital Workshop Center equips professionals with the skills needed to navigate and excel in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. As industries and marketing strategies continue to transform, staying ahead with a recognized certification is a strategic investment for any digital marketer seeking long-term success. Through our online certification, students will learn from subject matter experts how to examine analytics to understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, create pinpoint targeting to your defined audience, and understand content that speaks directly to your customers.