Job Analysis: Data Scientists

Data Scientists are analytical data experts who solve complex problems. They gather, analyze, and visualize structured, unstructured, and hybrid data sets to help organizations make better decisions. Leveraging statistics, quantitative reasoning, and computer programming, Data Scientists deliver robust analytics. In 2012, the Harvard Business Review described Data Scientists as the “Sexiest Job of the 21st Century.” As the role evolves and the amount of data that is generated continues to grow, the demand for Data Scientists will remain steady. 

Let’s explore why Data Scientists are increasingly becoming recognized as an organizational must.

Python for Data Science
Using numbers and text, Data Scientists discover, clean, and organize data to perform experiments to produce results. Examining infrastructure, implementing testing and employing machine learning methods, these Scientists analyze large complex data sets. Data Scientists build pipelines and customize data products for businesses to understand their company data and customers. Relying on automation and open-source tools, Data Scientists can help businesses sustainably grow and scale their operations. 

Data Scientists At a Glance

Preferred Skills
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Management
  • Communication
  • Data Visualization
  • Project Management
  • Computer Science
  • Statistics
  • Data Science
  • Mathematics
  • Business
Tools & Knowledge
  • Python
  • Apache
  • Spark
  • SAS
  • Hadoop
Popular Industries
  • Ecommerce
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology
  • Social Networking
The versatility of Data Scientists and usage of data to drive business decisions are indicators of the necessity for this position. The varied skills, education, programming tools, and industries support the continued positive outlook for Data Science careers.
State Total Jobs Average Salary Lowest % Earn Highest % Earn
Washington 1,222 $119,916 $86,000 $166,000
New York 2,735 $102,130 $75,000 $138,000
Delaware 241 $95,563 $70,000 $129,000
California 3,874 $126,682 $93,000 $171,000
Oregon 596 $101,355 $74,000 $137,000
Massachusetts 1,684 $94,404 $69,000 $127,000
New Jersey 1,845 $94,526 $69,000 $128,000
Connecticut 678 $92,237 $67,000 $125,000
Nevada 278 $93,869 $68,000 $127,000
Pennsylvania 1,804 $89,722 $65,000 $122,000
Data Scientists allow and promote companies to adopt new strategies to deliver a customized customer experience, deliver relevant products and services, and mitigate risk and fraud. With emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, blockchain, drones, robotics, and virtual reality, continuing education is essential for Data Scientists. Digital Workshop Center provides the best comprehensive curriculum focused on Python software.

To learn more about our Python Data Science Certificate, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor and discover how we help you enhance your skills.

Outlook for Data Science Careers

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