Front-End, Full-Stack, Back-End, What’s the Difference?

As technology continues to evolve, so do the required skills to design and develop the applications, tools, and websites we use everyday. Thus, a requirement for development specialization has become a necessity. While Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack Developers have different functionalities, together they produce dynamic applications, tools, and websites. 

Let’s explore the differences in each development style and skills so you may find the right fit for you.

Focus: Visual aspects of website, application, or tool

Coding Skills:

Soft Skills:

  • Strong Communication
  • Agile Problem-Solving
  • Passionate
  • Self-Motivated
Frontend Web Development Careers

Front-End Developers create the client-side or user-facing portion of applications, tools, and websites. Everything from navigation, fonts, colors, dropdown menus, and sliders can be attributed to front-end development. These developers are also responsible for optimizing and maximizing application speed and scalability. Front-End Developers typically leverage their creativity to deliver user-centered interactive experiences.

Education Requirements Growth By 2030 Median Salary
Bachelor’s Degree 13% $76,377

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Back-End Development (Server Side)

Focus: Databases, Infrastructure, & Maintenance

Coding Skills:

  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby

Soft Skills:

  • Interpersonal
  • Flexibility
  • Listening
  • Patience
Backend Engineer

With well-documented, clean code, Back-End Developers deliver effective technology solutions. Collaborating with users and stakeholders to define requirements, these developers build secure systems that meet a particular business need. Back-End Developers also design the infrastructure where data is managed, retrieved, and stored.

Education Requirements Growth By 2030 Median Salary
Bachelor’s Degree 13% $87,009

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Focus: Hybrid of Front-End & Back-End Development

Coding Skills:

  • jQuery
  • JavaScript (AngularJS & Ember JS)
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Python (Django & Flask)
  • PHP (CakePHP)

Soft Skills:

  • Problem-Solving
  • Creativity
  • Attention-to-detail
  • Open Communication
Full-Stack Developer

Full-Stack Developers have all the keys to the castle. These developers simultaneously work on front-end and back-end development and analyze capabilities and the potential of your application, tools, and website in real-time. Having these skills means they do not need to wait for another developer to review or complete their work.

Education Requirements Growth By 2030 Median Salary
Bachelor’s Degree 13% $100,230

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack Developers are in high-demand because of the versatility of the skills. If you’ve thought about strengthening your skill set, now is the time. Get started with Digital Workshop Center’s Front-End Web Development Certificate.

To learn more about our course offerings, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor and discover how we help you enhance your skills.

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