Is a Career in Data Science Right For You?

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2028, “the employment of all computer and information research scientists is expected to rise 16 percent”, which is much faster than the average for all other professions in the US. Additionally a career in data science has been chosen as “the best job in America, three years in a row” now according to Glassdoor. Considering the data science job market is growing and people who work in the field love their jobs, how do you know if pursuing a career in data science is right for you?

Below are a few of the qualities that a person who has a career in data science may contain.

Career in Data Science Today

You are a Problem Solver

Data scientists are analytical data experts who use their critical thinking abilities to solve complex problems. Data scientists take a large amount of complicated data points and use their technical abilities to clean and organize them. If you are someone who enjoys the challenge of transforming facts and data into a practical solution then a career in data science may be right for you.

Interest in a Wide Range of Industries

Careers in data science span across all industries. More companies are storing data in order to learn about their customers’ patterns and behaviors. Data scientists are needed to interpret and make sense of that data. So no matter what industry you are passionate about, chances are you there will be a place for a career in data science. Read our Top 5 Industries for Data Science blog to find out more.

Statistics Excite You

Data science merges data analysis, statistics, and machine learning to gain an understanding and evaluate data. You need to understand statistics in order to interpret and interact with data. Statistical analysis allows you to extract insights, perceive patterns, and make important conclusions. If you enjoy telling statistical stories then you will probably find joy in a career in data science.
career in data science statistics

You are a Programming and Coding Enthusiast

A big part of a data scientist’s daily responsibilities is coding. During your data science career you will probably write a bunch of scripts, automations and programs. If you already have experience in programs such as R and Python and enjoy using them then you are likely to find your calling in a career in data science.
Career in data science coding
If starting a career in data science is right for you, consider taking the Data Science Certificate Program at Digital Workshop Center. Our certificate program will teach you all of the skills you need to solve real-world problems.  Our classes are always taught with a live instructor and include one-on-one mentoring throughout your classroom training.  We also offer a variety of financial aid options. The first step to chasing your goal of achieving a career in data science is to speak to a student advisor.  Our next Data Science Certificate Program starts soon so contact us today!

Interested in a Data Science Certificate?