Business & Technology: Managing the Tech Industry

Nov 10, 2023 | Business Administration Certificate, Project Management Certificate, Tech Business Trends

In any industry, there are countless decisions to be made; in the tech sector, many of those decisions are made in regard to business strategy, budgeting, resourcing, and negotiating. Those who have the essential skills of business administration and project management can find that opportunities are limitless in the tech sector. Business and technology have been intertwined with each other for quite some time now and can be an easy way to break into the massive world of technology. 

The Interlocking of Business & Technology

Business and technology have long been considered tight knit coworkers with the use of tech has been implemented across industries. As noted by an article from Oklahoma’s Small Business Development Centers, “Technology in business made it possible to have a wider reach in the global market. The basic example is the Internet, which is now a common marketing tool to attract more consumers in availing products and services offered by various businesses.” Other basic examples include accounting systems, management information systems, and point of sales systems.

Since these systems were first used and the introduction of the Internet, we have seen a steep increase in the use of Ai technology and automation services. This has led to an overall increased need for the everyday worker to be skilled in tech tools and digital communication. Business and technology thrive off each other and it is only essential for those who work within both sectors to be skilled in current and future technology that promotes business growth and success. Without the roles of business administrators and project manager, many businesses in the technology sector can have a difficult time in keeping afloat. Every company needs certain roles to fill and filling in administrative and management roles can be half the battle in keeping a business successful.  For those who have the skills in business administration and project management, there is a unique opportunity to grab as many of those opportunities present technology as a business all on its own. Those who can manage it, can find a plethora of career choices.

business and technology

Business Administration and Project Management in the Tech Sector

Both career paths are needed in the realm of business and technology; noted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, business administrators will be needed at a 5% rate and project managers at a 6% rate. There will be 31,400 openings in business admin careers over the decade and about 68,100 project management openings. A deeper understanding of these statistics can be found here: Occupational Outlook Handbook: Project Management Specialists and Occupational Outlook Handbook: Administrative Services and Facilities Managers.

Essential Skills for Business & Tech Career Opportunities

Business administration professionals have many tasks that revolve around the organization and operation of a business. Managing employees, making decisions related to business growth, and keeping staff focused on individual and group goals are just some of the day-to-day tasks of a business administrator or manager. When tasked with a business’s resources, time, and people, it is imperative that business administrators and managers have the skills necessary to be successful in helping a business thrive. Read more about the career field here: Business Administration Expected Career Growth

Project managers are essential to achieve business objectives, goals, and deadlines; they lead and manage “interdisciplinary teams of workers in executing plans designed to achieve either short-term or long-term results. Essentially, they’re the go-betweens that assemble the talent needed to get things done,” as noted by education and career writer, Jim Raychrudhury. With a blend of soft and hard skills, project management careers are lucrative. Read more about the career field here: Project Management Expected Career Growth

As noted by the World Economic Forum in their 2020 third report on The Future of Jobs, skills-based jobs are in high demand for 2023. Those who know they have the skills to be successful in administrative or project management positions need to be willing to transform their skills to fit the needs of a future employer; “by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labor between humans and machines…But even more jobs – 97 million – may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labor between humans, machines and algorithms.” (continue reading: These are the top 10 job skills of tomorrow – and how long it takes to learn them)

When it comes to business and technology, there will always be a need for a human to perform managerial and supervisory skills over the current and futuristic technologies that will be implemented in every day tasks of a business. Those who can be leaders in these positions will find great success in continuing the business and technology relationship.

Becoming Certified as a Business Admin or Project Manager

If you’re interested in a career in business and project management in the tech sector, DWC can help you learn the essential skills you need to succeed. With our comprehensive training programs and expert instructors, you can gain the knowledge and experience you need to manage projects effectively, lead teams, and build successful businesses.

DWC offers a Business Administration certificate that upon completion, students will be able to show future employers that they know business best practices to be more productive and successful while on the job. Through online, live instruction, students build career skills towards administrative and office management positions, become proficient in using business softwares such as Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Google Workspace (to name a few) and their additional features. Plus, students complete a real-world administrative management project that can be used to showcase skills and knowledge to future employers. With one-on-one job search and resume writing assistance with a career coach, completing a certificate with DWC can be the leverage needed to land a business administration or management position.

DWC’s project management certificate program is led by PMP® certified instructors who use PMI’s textbooks and resources to give you the best live instruction of project management knowledge. Included in the program are practice exams, including a final comprehensive exam that aligns with PMI standards, and support to create and submit an application to PMI with confidence. Upon successful completion of our PM certificate program, students will have learned how to develop a project management plan, understand processes and integration management, identify key features of a real world project management life cycle, and so much more.