5 Entry Level Tech Careers in Iowa

The tech industry continues to evolve with accelerated digital transformations, everything-as-a-service (XaaS), and sustainability as recurrent themes. Whether you just graduated, are reentering the workforce, or switching careers, an entry-level position can help build your resume, make connections, and obtain transferable skills. As tech careers remain in-demand within all industries, states are developing initiatives to boost employment opportunities. 

Recognizing the significance and impact of technology on an economy, Iowa’s Economic Development Authority has instituted the Innovation Acceleration Fund and prioritized STEM education for its students. Additionally, through membership the Technology Association of Iowa (TAI) is celebrating twenty-five (25) years of unifying Iowa’s technology community. If you live in the state or are thinking about relocating to Iowa, a tech career may interest you.

Here are five (5) entry-level tech careers based on specific technology occupation families.

1. Application & Production Design: UI Designer

UI Designers research, visualize, and design programs, applications, websites, and other products or services for a targeted audience. Using color schemes, branding elements, screen layouts, and text entry fields, these designers collaborate with engineers, developers, and other stakeholders to deliver a visual interface that works properly and enhances the user experience. UI Designers typically work in the manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, government, and transportation industries.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Wireframing
  • Graphic & animation design
  • Application & product design
  • Basic coding & programming
  • Deductive & inductive reasoning
UX Design in Iowa

2. Programming & Development: Programmer/Coder

Programmers/Coders build, modify, and test the code, forms, and scripts that allow applications and programs to run. Working with specifications, Programmers/Coders analyze user needs to create software solutions for storing, retrieving, exploring, and using documents and data. Programmers/Coders also discover and troubleshoot system errors, deploy applications, and maintain systems.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Attention-to-detail
  • Problem-solving
  • Deductive & inductive reasoning
  • Math & data comprehension
  • Basic coding & programming

3. Data Management & Analytics: Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Developer

ETL Developers extract data from various sources for analyzing, cleaning, and transforming into new data files. These files are then loaded into a data site, warehouse, or other location to create and distribute data analysis and visualization reports. ETL Developers use a suite of applications, programs, and technologies to manually and systematically manage data in a safe, secure, and concise environment.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Attention-to-detail
  • Problem-solving
  • Project management
  • Digital file handling & storage
  • Data management & analysis
Data Management Careers in Iowa

4. Infrastructure & Networking: Technical Analyst

Technical Analysts research and advise technical teams on the infrastructure, networking, and computer system requirements. These Analysts purchase and implement hardware, software, and other components for new and existing systems based on an organization’s technology goals. Technical Analysts consider technology usage, performance, and operations to write or develop programs to address specific system needs. 

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Project & time management
  • Research & data analysis
  • Basic programming & development

5. Security & Quality Assurance: Information Security Analyst

Information Security Analysts monitor, inspect, test, and manage networks, databases, and systems. These Analysts protect systems against security breaches, viruses, spyware, phishing, and other data security scenarios. These Analysts provide security support and guidance to address routine and complex physical and cybersecurity concerns. Employing technical programs, digital forensics, and other software tools, Information Security Analysts triage and investigate security events and write reports to strengthen an organization’s infrastructure. 

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Writing
  • Recordkeeping
  • System testing
  • Data collection & analysis
  • Safety & quality control
Information Security Analyst in Iowa
Getting your start in the tech industry can be challenging and limited based on your location. However, an entry-level position can be a gateway to building a long-lasting tech career. To learn more about gaining experience for your next job or career, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor and discover how we help you strengthen your skills. 

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