Connecting students in Colorado with the resources of the Colorado Workforce Centers
With about twenty Colorado Workforce Centers spread out across the state, there is a committed effort by the Colorado state government to keep workforce development as one of its priorities. After all, the goal of the Workforce Centers is to invest in its people instead of business interests.
According to Wikipedia, Workforce Development in the United States as a whole “has evolved from a problem-focused approach, addressing issues such as low-skilled workers or the need for more employees in a particular industry, to a holistic approach considering participants’ many barriers and the overall needs of the region.”
Since the beginning of the Digital Workshop Center, we have been able to work closely with many of the job counselors, career advisers, and management in many of the Colorado Workforce Centers. Most prominently DWC has worked with the staffs of Larimer, Denver, Boulder, Weld, and Jefferson counties. In over ten years, we’re proud to have seen students attend our classes from almost every County, whether live or via online remote training.
How Can We Help?
The staff of Digital Workshop Center is here to support you as much as possible to get through the process of getting training to start working again. Here are some useful links to help you get started:
Learn more about Colorado Workforce Centers
This page has a user-friendly map of all of the Workforce Centers across the State. Before you head over, consider giving them a call so they can walk you through what should be expected, as well as let you know if a counselor is available. Workforce Centers are free to use but will need to qualify for their grant and aid programs.
To start browsing available jobs in Colorado, you are going to need to register as a “Job Seeker” on this site. Better to get that going as soon as possible. On this site, you can view new job listings, as well as enroll in their daily email job list. A lot of great resources can be found through this portal, and it’s definitely a great first step if you are newly unemployed and looking to find some help in your new job search.
DWC staff assembled this guide/e-book to help you with some advice as you start the process of seeking financial aid through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Contact us anytime if you have any additional questions about our training and professional development classes.
Workforce Center History Lesson
Did you know that the first Workforce Center in the US was started after the passing of the “Job Training and Partnership Act of 1982”. From Wikipedia “the federal Job Training and Partnership Act (JTPA) of 1982 was the predecessor of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. This law used federal funding to implement programs that prepared youth and unskilled adults for entry into the workforce and provided employment-related services for disadvantaged individuals. For each succeeding fiscal year, programs such as adult and youth programs, federally-administered programs, summer youth employment training programs and training assistance for dislocated workers were carried out.”
Today, the Workforce Centers in Colorado get their funding through several federal programs, including the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (formerly the Workforce Investment Act). The amount allocated for Colorado is determined by the State population.
Once allocated, “there are three funding streams to the states and localities: adults, dislocated workers, and youth. Eighty-five percent of adult and youth funds are allocated to local areas, with the remainder reserved for statewide activities,” according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s website.
More Information
If you need more information or have questions about Colorado Workforce Centers or training at the Digital Workshop Center, please fill out the following form: