Zoom Host Instructions

How do I setup a Zoom class?

Note: If your class is at our Fort Collins location, steps 1-11 below should have been done for you. 

  1. (If live/online hybrid) Confirm the USB connector for your wireless mic is in the computer & turn on your microphone.
  2. Log in to Zoom at https://zoom.us/signin with credentials provided by DWC admin. 
  3. Go to My Meetings (dashboard on the left)
  4. Find your meeting (listed by date and start time) and Start Meeting.
  5. If prompted to Choose ONE of the audio conference options, select Join with Computer Audio. 
  6. Click Share and select your screen.
  7. Click the drop down next to the microphone icon in the top left corner and click Test Speaker & Microphone to confirm speaker and mic working and at appropriate volume.
  8. Go to Participants>More and check Play Enter/Exit Chime
  9. Leave the Participants window up
  10. Open the Chat window
  11. Mute your instructor mic until you’re ready to start class.
  12. If muted, unmute your microphone so students can hear you.
  13. Students will be muted automatically upon entering the meeting room. To mute/unmute the students in group classes, click Mute or Unmute in Participants window.


What can I do as a host of a Zoom class?

As a Host, you will be able to:

  • Share your screen or individual application windows
  • Hear audio from the student(s)
  • Share video of yourself and see video of the student(s) (optional)
  • Text chat with Everyone or privately with a specific student (click More>Chat).  Note: Chat messages are not visible to student until the student is in the meeting room.
  • Share files through Chat
    • Close the file(s) you want to share
    • Click More>Chat
    • Click the More drop down
  • Use features like the Spotlight and Arrow  (click Annotate)
  • Make student the Host to share their screen 
    • Click Stop Share
    • Click Manage Participants
    • Click More next to the student’s name
    • Click Make Host
    • Instruct the student to click Share & select the screen or application they want to share
    • When the student is done sharing and you’d like to take back over, instruct the student to click More next to Digital Workshop Center, then click Make Host
      • Note: you can also click Reclaim Host at the bottom of the participants window at any time
    • You’ll then need to click Share & select the screen or application they want to share 

How do I take remote control of a student's computer screen?

Advanced Hosting Features

    • If you ever need to take control of a student’s machine, you can Request Remote Control via the Zoom instructions here

    What can students do in the Zoom meetings?

    As a Participant, students are able to:

    • View the instructor’s screen
    • Hear audio from the instructor and other students (if applicable).  For group classes, students are told they may be muted unless they request otherwise.
    • Click Chat, to text chat with Everyone or privately with the instructor.
    • Share files through Chat (click the More drop down).
    • Communicate Raise Hand, Go Slower, etc. to the instructor (click Participants)

    What do I do if I am having audio issues in my Zoom class?

        For audio issues:

        • If you’re having trouble hearing or being heard, select Audio Options from the drop down next to the microphone icon in the bottom left corner.  From here, you’ll be able to adjust or test your speaker and your microphone. 
        • If your Computer microphone isn’t working, select Audio Options from the drop down next to the microphone icon in the bottom left corner.  From here, select Switch to Phone Call and call the phone number provided.

        What if I need additional assistance during my Zoom class?

        • During office hours, ask DWC staff for further assistance.  Students can also call the office at (970)980-8091.
        • If after hours, call/text Liz at (970)682-0727 or Stu at (970)493-9004.  Leave a voicemail message and text message so we’re sure to see your need for assistance.

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