Digital Workshop Center Articles

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Photoshop Tutorials: How to Crop an Image in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorials: How to Crop an Image in Photoshop

The beauty of photo-editing software like Photoshop is you don’t have to take the perfect photo every time. In ...

Social Media Advertising – Know Your Audience and Goals, and Nail Your Creatives

As a business owner or someone working in the field of marketing, you know it’s important to find and reach your ...
Photoshop Tutorials: How to Resize an Image in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorials: How to Resize an Image in Photoshop

One of the most applications of the Photoshop program is the ability to resize an image to make it smaller. Modern ...
The Difference Between Google Sheets and Excel | Digital Workshop Center

The Difference Between Google Sheets and Excel | Digital Workshop Center

The ability for any business to manage and utilize their data is a key to success. One of the best ways to do this ...

Additional Resources for Social Media Advertising

Interesting sites related to Social Media Advertising Provided by Carmelo Mannino of DWC GrowthHackers Great ...

Social Media Glossary | A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Advertising

In the digital era, it’s important for businesses to reach their clients where they’re at, and today... they’re on ...
Photoshop Glossary | Essential Terms Every Photoshop Beginner Should Know

Photoshop Glossary | Essential Terms Every Photoshop Beginner Should Know

Everyone, from beginners to the most experienced photographers, knows the raw pictures that come straight out of ...
What is Cloud Computing? Digital Workshop Center Answers Your Questions!

What is Cloud Computing? Digital Workshop Center Answers Your Questions!

If you’ve been around a computer or smartphone in the last several years, chances are you’ve probably heard a ...

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