Transferable Skills To Bridge The “Mom Gap”

As a mom you possess an extensive set of versatile skills that can be used for just about any career. While you may be apprehensive about entering or reentering the workforce, you may find that you’re more qualified than you realize. The lack of experience is no longer a barrier to seeking a new career as transferable skills can bridge the “mom gap” helping you outshine your competition.

Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are developed throughout your life at school, at home, or in your social life. These skills are relevant and applicable across industries and professions.

Here’s a look at the most transferable skills mom’s can use in the workplace.

Transferable Skills for Working Moms


Planning is inherent to being a mom and involves a mix of communicating, organizing, scheduling, and collaborating with others. Everyday you’re dealing with unknowns, but knowing how to turn them into the who, what, when, where, and how to get things done, is an art. Whether it’s for an event, meeting, or a project, knowing how to plan in the workplace is a necessity.


You perform research like a pro. Consider all the things you research about food, clothing, baby gear, schools, and more. These research skills lend themselves to seeking out answers to everyday and complex issues. The ability to thoroughly perform independent research helps with writing, editing, revising, and informing decisions in the workplace.


Think about the number of problems you solve daily…Now how many times have these problems required logic, quick-thinking, and negotiation to resolve them. Problem-solving is an essential skill and at varying levels requires individual and team efforts. This is especially true when organizations experience issues in their operations, management, and workflows that hinder performance and profitability.


One thing you’re going to do as a mom is adapt. Adapting your communication style, patience and motivation levels are what you do best. Need to learn a new technology, software, or process? Dealing with clients, customers, and other stakeholders with diverse needs and capabilities? No problem, you’ve been adapting since day one of motherhood. You got this!
Mom Problem Solving Skills


Depending on the day’s activities, prioritization is a necessity as a mom. Shifting priorities requires you to analyze multiple factors, keeping goals and schedules in mind. For an organization, prioritization requires the same process albeit evaluating the company’s goals and mission before making a decision. At a moment’s notice, you’ll have to balance expectations of clients, customers, and other stakeholders while providing exceptional customer service.
The totality of these transferable skills can make you invaluable in the workplace. Combined with a vocational certificate, you become a stronger candidate when entering or reentering the workforce. 

Explore these vocational certificate programs to hone your transferable skills.

Technology and business soft skills are the fundamental pillars of the Business Administration Certificate. Become an expert in productivity tools with a blended learning approach and concentration on real-world skills. This certificate focuses on usage of business software such as Microsoft Office and Google Workspace, as well as vital office skills such as leadership, management, and problem-solving.

Most applicable transferable skills: planning, problem-solving, prioritization

Study the fundamental concepts and strategies of marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), and Analytics with a Digital Marketing Certificate. Learn how to leverage the company’s voice, as well as how data drives the different channels such as websites, mobile, email, social media, and search engines.

Most applicable transferable skills: planning, adapting, research

Gain perspective and learn the fundamentals skills to deliver graphic design projects with precision. Learn fluency in conceptualization, the language of graphics, and design development to discover what elevates today’s modern designs. With proficiency in Adobe Creative Cloud and visual design, develop user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive features to execute any project.

Most applicable transferable skills: adapting, research, problem-solving, prioritization, planning

Prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification exam with the Project Management Certificate. Master the best practices of and receive an incredible groundwork for a career in project management. With an estimate of 86.7 million jobs in the project management field by 2027, Project Management is one of the most sought-after career paths in the world.

Most applicable transferable skills: adapting, research, prioritization, planning

Bridging the “mom gap” is not impossible. With your transferable skills and a vocational certificate, a new career is attainable or within reach.  Get started with a Vocational Certificate Program today at Digital Workshop Center.

To learn more about our course offerings, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor and discover how we help you enhance your skills.

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