JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular and powerful scripting languages. Using JavaScript, you can add incredible functionality to your website, and it’s a must-have skill set for all modern web developers. An understanding and application of JavaScript in the sites you build will give users an amazing experience by creating new functionality that you simply could not achieve with basic HTML and CSS. This program creates dynamic script web pages that are recognizable by all major browsers. The first step in learning this program is to study this JavaScript Glossary that details the major key terms you will need to know as you dive in.
JavaScript Glossary
- Function: The most basic of actions in JavaScript are functions. This refers to any block of code that is designed to instruct the program to perform a particular task. This function will be executed when another function invokes it or calls it to start. The function can begin when something happens such as a user clicking a button or a new visitor arriving at the site.
- Statement: Simply put, a statement is any instruction you set to be executed by your website. Statements can include a wide variety of outcomes, but all of them create a sequence that will force your site to act. Statements can be broad in design and may include objects, properties, and many other functions.
- Object: Objects are core the to functionality of JavaScript. Simply put, objects are a collection of variables and functions that tell the program what to model. Since objects can combine many functions and variables together, they greatly increase the ability of the website to do more.
- Property: Objects and properties go hand in hand in JavaScript. The inputs included in the object are known as the object’s properties. They make up a piece of the puzzle and help tell the object what to do and when. Knowing that properties are a part of the object will help you understand how it all fits together.
- Variable: Variables in JavaScripts are sort of like empty houses where data is stored and retrieved. Each little house has a unique name and works to collect a unique kind of data. The beauty of JavaScript is the kinds of data these variables can hold is endless. Variables can be used to perform many kinds of functions, including greetings, user behavior, and many other functions that make your site more responsive.
- Method: In JavaScript, a special kind of function is known as a method. This refers to any method that belongs to a larger object. These methods are designed to operate directly on the properties of the object to which they belong, reducing the number of individual statements or functions you have to create for each unique outcome you wish to design.
- Asynchronous: In traditional coding, when you have two lines of code that are synchronous it means you cannot move on to the second line of code until the first line finishes processing. In JavaScript, you can actually have asynchronous coding, which means you can move on to the second line of code and let the first line process in the background. L1 will run in the future and L2 will run right now. It’s typically single-threaded, meaning it’s only possible on one set of functions, but can allow you more freedom in the sequence of tasks and the user experience.
- Callback: A callback function in JavaScript is a function that can only begin when another one before it has finished running. The callback function is the next step in the sequence.
- Block: A block is defined in JavaScript as a set of statements grouped together by this kind of {} brace. It allows you to use more than one statement at a time, where normally only one would have been allowed.
JavaScript is a powerful, but complex scripting language that takes a real commitment to learn. This JavaScript gallery is by no means comprehensive, but we hope it will give you a basic understanding of the sheer capabilities of this program. Check out other Digital Workshop Center blogs and resources to learn more about JavaScript.
Digital Workshop Center offers a JavaScript for Beginners Class, as well as a JavaScript Advanced Class for those with a bit more experience in the program. Both courses are aimed at teaching you to successfully maintain JavaScript code using programming techniques through the use of modules, callbacks, JavaScript evolution, frameworks, and storage capabilities this program offers. If you’re ready to build on your understanding of this JavaScript glossary, learn more about our classes here and contact us for more information!