Six Productivity Hacks for Digital Marketers

As a Digital Marketer productivity can improve your business reach and client outcomes. The more productive you are the more you can focus on growing and scaling your business toward success. Working smarter not harder seems idyllic, but how can you improve your productivity without sacrificing your work quality?

Here are a six proven productivity hacks every Digital Marketer can employ.

Establish Weekly Goals

Goals. Goals. Goals. They are so important in every aspect of your business, productivity is no different. Weekly goals help you maintain focus and motivation toward achieving a specific result. Goals provide a reference point where you can measure your productivity as the week progresses.


  • Take 15 Minute Walk Daily
  • Clean Workspace
  • No Friday Meetings
  • Take 2-10 Minute Breaks Daily

Goal Measurement Improvement
Take 15 Minute Walk Daily Number of walks talking in the week Add 10 minutes to walk
Clean Workspace Workspace cleared of clutter and trashed papers no longer needed Purchase file folder to organize files

Develop a Plan

Planning your work with tasks, milestones, deliverables, and deadlines gives you the sense of formality and can help produce better results. This plan may include time limits for specific tasks, so you can complete projects in smaller chunks and have daily accomplishments. You may even find having a daily schedule is helpful for mapping out your week and day.

Automated Workflows

Automated workflows are your guide to increasing productivity organically. These workflows can help reduce work errors, provide an enhanced client experience, and eliminate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Automated workflows optimize operational productivity by simplifying communications and tasks to produce a higher-quality of work.

Develop a Plan for Digital Marketing

Use Client & Project Management Tools

Client and project management tools such as Trello, Quickbooks, HootSuite, Dubsado, and Freshbooks help to manage your business efficiently. These tools are designed to help you organize client communications, projects, tasks, and manage deadlines. Some client and project management tools also help with content management which is useful when you’re managing numerous clients and data.

Outsource When Necessary or Possible

There’s no need to have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Outsourcing a Virtual Assistant, Graphic Designer, or Copywriting can save you time and relieve stress. Partnering with a Freelancer or other small business can allow you to work on other parts of your business and boost your productivity on existing client work.

Learn To Say “No”

As a business owner, you’ve probably been taught over and over again that “no” is a bad word when it comes to clients. When you take on tasks outside of the project scope it affects your productivity. However, learning to say no sets necessary boundaries between you and clients.

Productivity is key to your success as a Digital Marketer. Learn the fundamental concepts, strategies, and data-driven digital marketing skills to maintain your productivity as a Digital Marketer at Digital Workshop Center.

To learn more about our programs, set up a time to speak with a Student Advisor and discover how we help you strengthen your skills.

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