VA Refund Policy

Refund Policy for VA Funded Students

The following refund and cancellation policy is applicable to VA funded student training only:

Students not accepted by the school and students who cancel the contract by notifying the school within three business days are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid. If any student withdraws after three business days, but before commencement of classes, he/she is entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid including the registration fee in excess of $10.

In the case of students withdrawing after commencement of classes, the school will retain a cancellation fee plus a percentage of tuition and fees, which is based on the percentage of contact hours attended, as described in the table below. The refund is based on the last date of recorded attendance.


Student entitled upon withdrawal/termination Refund
10% of program completed 90% Refunded
20% of program completed 80% Refunded
30% of program completed 70% Refunded
40% of program completed 60% Refunded
50% of program completed 50% Refunded
60% of program completed 40% Refunded
70% of program completed 30% Refunded
80% of program completed 20% Refunded
90% of program completed 10% Refunded


  • The student may cancel this contract at any time prior to close of the third business day after signing the enrollment agreement.
  • The official date of termination for refund purposes is the last date of recorded attendance.  All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of termination.
  • The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid if the school discontinues a course/program within a period of time a student could have reasonably completed it except that this provision shall not apply in the event the school ceases operation.
  • Complaints, which cannot be resolved by direct negotiation between the student and the school, may be filed with the Division of Private Occupational Schools of the Colorado Department of Higher Education. The Division shall not consider any  claim that is filed  more than two years after the date the student discontinues his/her training at the school.