Betsy Lawless - Instructor


Betsy has over 25 years’ experience in the training world. She has trained in the corporate world as well as taught in the academic world. She loves working with people and is passionate about helping others with their training needs and loves seeing their breakthroughs with the materials they are working on.

She teaches power skill courses such as negotiation skills, business writing for bankers, critical thinking and building relationships as a tool. She also teaches technology courses such as MS Office, Tableau, Photoshop and social media. She is a modern classroom certified trainer.

Betsy believes we are at our best when we continually learn and that’s why she loves working with others and learning from them and helping them to learn new passions and ways to prepare for a rewarding job path.

Betsy lives in Rochester, New York and enjoys the great lakes. She loves to spend her time racing sailboats or just enjoying being on the water. Her other passion is photography. She loves to capture slices of time doing whatever people love to do. She also loves to snow shoe, ski and hike.

Connect with Betsy on her profile LinkedIn.

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