Chris Hoquis - Instructor

With nearly 15 years of experience spanning from project management, business analysis and software development to teaching, facilitation and leading process improvement initiatives, Chris is driven to continuously learn new things and connect with others with similar interests.
Chris is a relentless enthusiast of knowledge, has 13+ years of experience in the tech sector and is a lead instructor at the University of Manitoba (Canada). He has been teaching courses in business, project management, analysis, development, and a variety of soft skill workshops at the University level and absolutely loves it.
Outside of the classroom, Chris is a boxing enthusiast and an avid volunteer in the community. He’s been coaching youth basketball for over 10 years, has been volunteering for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and is a local business advisor for high school students in the Junior Achievement program (high school program that teaches entrepreneurship by launching a business during the school year with guidance from business advisors).
Connect with Chris on his LinkedIn.